

客人 - 2012 年 3 月 10 日

Guest Blog by
Linden Mallory, Senior Guide RMI Expeditions

With mountaineering and climbing growing in popularity comes an added responsibility for climbers to reexamine our actions while we pursue our passion. For close to a decade the guides at RMI Expeditions worked with the Center to develop the Mountaineering Curriculum for Leave No Trace. The process was exciting, productive, and rewarding. It also provided us the opportunity to pause and reexamine our own expedition practices on mountains around the world. This introspection led to changes across all aspects of our trips and we learned that the biggest impacts come from how we approach the climb in the first place: what we do to Plan Ahead and Prepare.

RMI 目前正在带领大家攀登南美洲最高峰阿空加瓜山。几年前,我们坐下来重新评估了整个阿空加瓜探险活动。我们仔细检查了所有细节:从何时攀登,到吃什么,再到携带什么。通过讨论,我们调整了登山路线,改变了装备的打包内容、方式和地点,并重新制定了人类排泄物处理策略,以尽可能简化登山队的登山过程。我们还对一些较小的细节进行了调整,例如自带可重复使用的袋子来购买探险队的物资。在阿空加瓜山和珠穆朗玛峰的大本营,我们走了几十英里的路,看到数百个被航空公司丢弃和撕裂的行李袋在山路上随处可见,现在我们提供耐用(可重复使用)的行李袋标签,用于携带我们的装备。

This examination was even more intensive for our Mt. Everest Expedition. It covered our staffing, our snacks and meals, our gear choices, our loads separations, our packing, and our energy usage. We changed what gear and supplies we pack, how we organize our camps, the way we collaborate with other teams and the priorities we convey to our Nepali partners. It also led to some of the more enjoyable and adventurous experiences of my guiding career: including inspiring climbers and Sherpas to pocket litter along the route in the Western Cwm or standing on the side of a road in Kathmandu with the staff of a small Nepali solar company as we worked out the intricacies of a highly portable, highly reliable photovoltaic system for use at over 17,000’. Two years later, we have yet to turn on a generator to provide electrical power for our Everest Expeditions.


如何将 "未雨绸缪 "和 "有备无患 "的经验应用到自己的探险中?最重要的是,在研究路线和估算天数的同时,也要花时间研究旅行条件和当地现有的基础设施,并尽量预测在山区会遇到的意外情况。

1) 让团队做好准备:做好调查研究,并让团队参与制定正确的计划--针对日程安排、意外情况以及如何管理对环境的影响。

2) Plan your meals: Find meals that are nutritious, appealing at altitudes, easy and efficient to prepare, and that minimize the weight carried up and waste carried out. Reducing the packaging is a no-brainer, but if you are traveling internationally also take into account what is available to buy in-country; you can save on transportation costs and emissions as well as reduce your costs when you buy locally.

3) 规划你的人类排泄物战略:了解当地围绕人类排泄物的现有政策和基础设施,并计划如何满足或补充已有的政策和基础设施。考虑使用可生物降解的狗食袋,以有效的方式将粪便带出山。

4) 承担责任:为你的团队提供成功攀登所需的一切,让他们负责任地完成攀登任务。

未雨绸缪的一个重要因素是沟通:解释 "为什么 "和 "如何 "采取更好的环保措施。登山者并非有意破坏他们所到之处的高山区域,但由于不了解更好的实践方法或在执行过程中遇到障碍,往往会造成破坏。在攀登前和攀登过程中,有效地向我们的客户传达我们的做法和原因,大大改善了我们的后续工作,并减少了我们的探险活动对地貌的影响。我们发现,为减少对山区环境的影响而做出的改变使我们的探险队装备更精良,攀登体验更愉悦,业务实践更全面。


Rainier Mountaineering, Inc (RMI Expeditions) is one of America’s most reputable and long-standing guide services with over 42 years of mountain guiding experience.

