Hot Spot

Indian Creek 2019

Monticello, UT

Indian Creek is a BLM-managed desert landscape found in southeast Utah.  The towering rock formations are a world renowned destination for the rock climbing community.  However, there are also a great deal of sensitive archaeological and culturally significant sites for native tribes like the Hopi, Zuni, Paute, and Navajo (among others).  These aspects, combined with growing popularity for other recreational opportunities, have brought unsustainable increases in visitation over the last few years–bringing with it impacts to the landscape, ecosystems, and cultural sites.  Leave No Trace will be putting on a two-part Hot Spot with the BLM, USFS, NPS as well as local and regional stakeholder groups from recreational, municipal, and tribal communities to address impacts through effective messaging and communication and, as with any Hot Spot, growing the stewardship community to benefit this cherished landscape.

During this Hot Spot, we educated 44 people and facilitated 5 events

The Leave No Trace team led a communication strategy roundtable with a large group of land managers and stakeholders. This was an opportunity to share how other sites have integrated Leave No Trace education into their management and visitor education efforts, and to hear from stakeholder groups about current successes and ideas for future implementation. The BLM, Hawk Watch, and Mountain Project combined efforts to educate climbers about raptor nesting sites and wall closures. As such, raptor nesting has improved in the area. A climbing steward has helped to educate climbers on wall closures, as well as responsible climbing practices.


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