State Fish, Wildlife and Park Agency Partnerships

State Parks agencies, as well as Fish and Wildlife agencies, are tasked with not only providing exceptional experiences for visitors but also protecting and sustaining the land, flora, and fauna that attract visitors and recreationists. Leave No Trace Fish, Wildlife and Parks Agency Partnerships work to support this goal by embedding science-backed messaging and education across all agency properties and throughout agency programs and operations. Leave No Trace also supports these land management partners in providing Leave No Trace messages that speak to specific ecosystems and recreational pursuits helping to more effectively meet the wide range of audiences who these agencies serve.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) was the first state Fish, Wildlife and Park agency to officially partner with Leave No Trace. This partnership demonstrates the commitment of both Leave No Trace and CPW to work together towards a mutually beneficial stewardship education strategy for all CPW-managed properties. Click the button to learn more about how CPW is activating Leave No Trace education throughout their communication, education, outreach and interpretive programs.

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