Hot Spot

Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area 2016

Las Vegas, NV

Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area lies in Nevada’s Mojave Desert, just a short drive from bustling Las Vegas. The area is known for towering red sandstone peaks, as well as Native American petroglyphs. Due to the close proximity to Las Vegas, the area experiences a lot of visitation and associated impacts such as trail braiding, defacing of natural objects and cultural sites, improper disposal of dog and human waste, unprepared hikers causing search and rescue missions, undesignated camping, trash and litter, and visitors feeding wild burros. During the Hot Spot, the Subaru/Leave No Trace Traveling Trainer team participated in three days of tabling outreach at Red Rocks Rendezvous, connecting with and educating climbers, guides, and athletes. The team worked with volunteers organized through the Red Rocks Rendezvous to conduct trail maintenance at the Kraft Boulders.


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