Minimize Energy Consumption
Minimize Energy Use Consumption
Did You Know?
LED lights use about 50 percent less electricity than traditional incandescent, fluorescent and halogen options.
What Does This Mean?
You might not spend a lot of time thinking about electricity generating waste. After all, we cannot see the immediate effect on our planet like we might be able to with plastic water bottles. But did you know energy production requires an immense amount of non-renewable natural resources such as coal and natural gas? These resources require monstrous power plants to be constructed and the process of creating electricity even releases toxic emissions into the environment.
By reducing our energy consumption, we can take steps to improve air quality, save money, and minimize harm to our environment. A great way to reduce energy consumption is to make your appliances more energy efficient and reduce your reliance on energy.
What Can You Do Right Now?
- Fill up your laundry machine before running it and consider washing your clothes in cold water if possible.
- Hang your clothes up to dry instead of using the dryer. The sun is a great dryer!
- Consider wearing lighter or heavier clothing based on the time of year, while also setting your air conditioning to a few degrees higher and your heating units to a few degrees lower.
- Switch to LED lights. LED lights, on average, use 50% less energy!
- Use power strips to easily turn multiple devices on and off.
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