Training For Everyone People All

Being equipped with leave No Trace training makes our communities and outdoor spaces healthier. Practicing Leave No Trace is something we can all do when we interact with nature and a skill we can pass down to the next generation. The benefits of Leave No Trace education include.

of people believe Leave No Trace effectively protects the environment for future generations.
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A person trained in Leave No Trace is 5 times more likely to protect nature.
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One person trained in Leave No Trace goes on to educate 256 additional people resulting in 5.2 million others this year alone.

Learn Online: Leave No Trace 101 Course

This 45-minute online training program will equip you with the practical tools and knowledge to make a lasting difference in nature.

Leave No Trace Training is broken up into two tracks; and Instructor track and a Recreational track. The Instructor Training track is designed for those in a role to actively teach Leave No Trace in park of group settings and provides certification to those who complete courses. The Recreational Training track is designed for those who have a desire to learn the skills and information of Leave No Trace to apply in their own outdoor pursuits. Participants in Recreational Training courses are able to receive Certificates of Completion. Instructor courses are either 2 or 5 days in length while Recreational courses range from 30 minutes to 2 days in length. Find out more in the FAQ below or contact our education team for more info. 

Instructor Training

Participants taking the two-day Level 1 Instructor Course learn Leave No Trace skills, ethics, and techniques for educating others about these low-impact practices. In-person Level 1 Instructor Courses typically occur over two consecutive days and involve spending more than half of the course outdoors. Virtual options are also available for Level 1 Instructor Courses. Level 1 Instructor Course graduates are prepared to offer Leave No Trace Skills Courses and Workshops to their community.

The five-day Level 2 Instructor Course is our most comprehensive education course. Participants are provided with in-depth training on Leave No Trace skills and ethics through practical application during a field-based course. Participants learn Leave No Trace techniques through various methods—including discussions, scenarios, demonstrations, and hands-on activities—throughout all five days of the field-based course. The Level 2 Instructor Course is also designed to prepare participants to be the best possible teachers of Leave No Trace regardless of setting. Level 2 Instructor Course graduates are certified to instruct Level 1 Instructor Courses and are prepared to teach Leave No Trace Skills Courses and Workshops.

Recreational Training

Each year, in-person and online Leave No Trace Workshops reach tens of thousands of people with minimum impact skills and ethics. These introductory workshops are typically one to three hours long, but can be up to a full day in length. They can be tailored to educators, youth, college students, outdoor professionals or anyone with an interest in learning more about Leave No Trace practices. A workshop may also be tailored in its content— Leave No Trace for a specific environment, a specific recreation activity or maybe just an overview of the 7 Principles.

Participants taking the two-day Leave No Trace Skills Course learn Leave No Trace skills, ethics, and have several opportunities to practice these low-impact techniques during the course. Skills Courses typically occur over two consecutive days and involve spending more than half of the course outdoors. Leave No Trace Skills Course graduates are prepared to discuss the Leave No Trace principles with others and to practice low-impact skills and techniques on future endeavors.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Leave No Trace training structure, and some guidelines, are changing in order to meet organizational strategic goals. These changes work to make training more appealing and accessible to a wider range of audiences.

No additional training is required to be moved from the Trainer to Level 1 Instructor or Master Educator to Level 2 Instructor fields.

Yes, Level 1 and Level 2 Instructors (formerly Trainers and Master Educators) are now certified in the new training structure.

Recertification is required to maintain your certification status as a Level 1 or Level 2 Instructor.

On July 18, 2023, all Trainers and Master Educators will be moved into the new Level 1 or Level 2 certification fields. On July 18, 2025, an online recertification course will be available to all instructors to recertify.

Yes, a $50 administrative fee will be charged upon completing the online course to complete your recertification.

Both Level 1 and Level 2 Instructors can teach a Leave No Trace Skills Course.

No additional training is required to run a Leave No Trace Skills Course. The training received during a Leave No Trace Level 1 or Level 2 course will prepare instructors to teach this course. Note: Instructors must be current in their certification and membership with the organization to provide participants with a Certificate of Completion.

Yes, formal training is not required to teach a Leave No Trace Workshop. Note: Only certified Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 Instructors can provide a Certificate of Completion to workshop participants.

Level 1 or Level 2 Instructors cannot provide Certificates of Completion or Certifications to participants if their organizational membership has expired.

No, Leave No Trace Skills Courses and Workshops are not certification courses. However, participants receive a Certificate of Completion once completing a course.

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