Lauren & Owen Steinwall

The AZ Hikeaholics + Sustainability Ambassadors

We’re Lauren & Owen, aka The AZ Hikeaholics. We started sharing our hikes in April 2020 after we found ourselves outdoors every weekend in the beautiful state of Arizona and beyond. We quickly gained an appreciation for the outdoors beyond what we knew possible, almost an indescribable feeling and passion for nature. During that time we realized we wanted to share with others, without gate keeping public lands. However, we also recognize the responsibility to promote safe and responsible recreation, especially to high traffic and highly sensitive areas.

Lauren, what does Leave No Trace mean to you?

For us Leave No Trace is more than just following the principles on trail. Leave No Trace and becoming an environmental steward has become a part of our daily lives. From avoiding single use plastic to composting our food waste, we try to make changes to help the environment. We also understand that it’s a practice, meaning we can continue to learn and improve!

Owen, why did you decide to become an Ambassador?

I decided to become an ambassador because I’m hoping to help influence and educate people on positive, yet simple, ways to enjoy the outdoors and incorporate Leave No Trace into their adventures and daily lives. We hope to inspire others to not only practice, but also share Leave No Trace!

What do you love most about hiking?

There is something so peaceful and fulfilling about being on trail and hearing nothing but the sound of nature. Life seems to slow down, the air is clean, and natural life is everywhere! If we’ve had a busy and stressful week at work, it seems to disappear while we’re on trail. 

Lauren & Owen Steinwall

The AZ Hikeaholics + Sustainability Ambassadors

We’re Lauren & Owen, aka The AZ Hikeaholics. We started sharing our hikes in April 2020 after we found ourselves outdoors every weekend in the beautiful state of Arizona and beyond. We quickly gained an appreciation for the outdoors beyond what we knew possible, almost an indescribable feeling and passion for nature. During that time we realized we wanted to share with others, without gate keeping public lands. However, we also recognize the responsibility to promote safe and responsible recreation, especially to high traffic and highly sensitive areas.

Lauren, what does Leave No Trace mean to you?

For us Leave No Trace is more than just following the principles on trail. Leave No Trace and becoming an environmental steward has become a part of our daily lives. From avoiding single use plastic to composting our food waste, we try to make changes to help the environment. We also understand that it’s a practice, meaning we can continue to learn and improve!

Owen, why did you decide to become an Ambassador?

I decided to become an ambassador because I’m hoping to help influence and educate people on positive, yet simple, ways to enjoy the outdoors and incorporate Leave No Trace into their adventures and daily lives. We hope to inspire others to not only practice, but also share Leave No Trace!

What do you love most about hiking?

There is something so peaceful and fulfilling about being on trail and hearing nothing but the sound of nature. Life seems to slow down, the air is clean, and natural life is everywhere! If we’ve had a busy and stressful week at work, it seems to disappear while we’re on trail.