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June Edition of The Outsider — Monthly News with Tips, Events and Special Deals

Chloe Lindahl - June 17, 2024

How to Visit Indigenous Communities Responsibly

Visiting native lands as a non-indigenous individual has different expectations and Leave No Trace education than visiting public lands. That’s why the American Indian Alaska Native Tourism Association (AIANTA) and Leave No Trace have partnered to develop educational solutions for visitors who can responsibly visit native lands, starting with a guide that serves as an entry point for non-indigenous guests. The partnership has also developed a resource for Indigenous leaders that provides consistent language for talking about their heritage and the expectations of visitors.

Gold Standard Designation Expands to Outfitters and Youth Programs

The Gold Standard Designation is the highest form of recognition for parks and protected areas. Recently, the program was expanded to include outfitters and guides, as well as youth programs. Completing the work required to become a Gold Standard Site can result in more informed visitors, fewer recreation-related impacts, reduced search and rescue needs, and more resilient parks and protected areas. For a step-by-step guide on how you can achieve this status, visit the link below. 

Invasive Species Cost the U.S. Billions Every Year — You Can Stop the Spread

Invasive species are plants, animals or pathogens that are non-native to an ecosystem; their presence can harm native species. They can travel on the bottom of boats, be brought in by firewood, and spread through seeds attached to the bottom of our shoes. Watch these 6 quick tips on how you can do your part to stop the spread of invasive species and limit the destruction they cause.

Bottom 3:

  • Global Summit Scholarships are still available! Leave No Trace and Outward Bound Adventures are offering need-based scholarships to cover the registration cost of the three-day global summit, which will take place in Boulder, CO, from October 7th to 9th. Scholarships are limited, so apply soon to secure your spot!
  • Leave No Trace has new custom bandanas! The bandanas feature the 7 Principles and can be worn for all your outdoor adventures. As a reminder, members get 20% off all purchases!
  • June spotlights are here! Learn how you can get involved in your community and check out upcoming events at Hodges Village Dam, MA; Delaware Water Gap, PA. Eagle-Holy Cross Ranger District, CO; and Sinks Canyon, WY.


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