Learn the 7 Principles Hand Signals

The 7 Principles can be hard to remember, but the 7 Principles Hand Signals make learning the principles easy, fun, and approachable for all ages. They can be taught as part of a larger Leave No Trace lesson or workshop or as their own activity. 

Princípio nº 1:


Princípio nº 2:


Principle #3


Princípio nº 4:

Deixe o que encontrar.gif

Princípio nº 5:

Minimizar os impactos do fogo de acampamento.gif

Princípio nº 6:

Respeitar a vida selvagem.gif

Princípio nº 7:

Ter consideração pelos outros visitantes.gif

There are many other variations of the hand signals and we encourage creativity in making your own versions. The important part is making Leave No Trace fun and having an easy way to remember the 7 Principles