社交媒体是一个无比强大的工具,我们如何使用它,就能影响他人的行为。如果社交媒体用户意识到他们的帖子可能产生的影响,他们就可以利用自己的网络影响力做好事。通过树立良好的环境管理榜样,可以激励新的受众践行道德行为。 因为社交媒体允许我们与广大受众分享信息因此,具有管理意识的社交帖子可以接触到传统上可能被排除在可持续发展信息之外的用户。
Social media users should consider the impact of their posts and how they can impact the stewardship of their community, local green spaces, or communal gathering areas. Users should be cognizant of the non-explicitly stated impact of what their images may portray, as others may emulate behavior- both positive and negative. Take it a step further and consider explicitly stating stewardship practices in posts, inviting others to begin their own journey with everyday sustainability.
过去,许多环境教育都是自上而下的,给人一种 等级制度让许多人感到无能为力。通过社交媒体开展环境教育是横向的,因为人们可以利用自身的信息和网络影响力,为他人提供所需的资源,以促进他们的学习并向他人提供信息,从而形成一种教师与教师之间的动态关系,让更多的受众可以平等地获得信息。这种行为增强了自我指导教育和自我管理环境影响的能力,创造了一种集体所有感。
Finally, social media users should consider educating themselves on the cultural and historical heritage of the land they reside and recreate on. Including a land acknowledgement in social posts can encourage relationship building and reciprocity with indigenous communities. This recognition and respect to those displaced from their traditional homelands has implications for further education of an area’s cultural history, and acts as an initial stepping stone for collaboration with indigenous communities.