

加入密歇根州诺德豪斯沙丘荒野区的无痕行列--20247 月 18-20

我们精心挑选出需要我们共同关爱和关注的提名户外空间。通过将它们指定为 "亮点",我们号召当地社区挺身而出,与 "无痕 "组织携手合作,发挥有意义的影响,振兴和保护这些特殊的地方,让我们在这里休闲娱乐,享受彼此的陪伴,并提升我们的身体、精神和情感健康。 

诺德豪斯沙丘荒野区已被选为 2024 年无痕聚焦点。斯巴鲁/无痕旅行队将于7 月 18 日至 20 日在诺德豪斯沙丘荒野区与主办方和合作伙伴合作开展各种项目,包括管理项目、研讨会和社区外联活动。



Leave No Trace Pop-up Education & Nordhouse Dunes Outreach, 1:00 – 5:00 pm, Nurnberg Trailhead and Lake Michigan Recreation Area Beach Access

Join Leave No Trace and the US Forest Service for engaging and family-friendly outreach and education, meet the Subaru/Leave No Trace Traveling Team and play quick games to learn more about Leave No Trace and how to protect Nordhouse Dunes and all your favorite outdoor spaces.

Campground Amphitheater Program, 7:00 – 8:30 pm, Lake Michigan Amphitheater

We Are The Stewards of Nordhouse Dunes Wilderness Area
The Leave No Trace Spotlight Amphitheater program will provide an opportunity to learn more about Wilderness Character and the unique features that Nordhouse Dunes Wilderness Area provides as a resource with visitors. A history of the land and its formation begins the conversation following with the history of the Anishnaabe with Marie Richards, USFS Tribal Relations Specialist and tribal citizen of Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians. The discussion then arrives to present day with how Nordhouse Dunes Wilderness Area became a congressionally designated Wilderness Area of the USFS. This program will focus on adding public understanding of what Wilderness Character is and why it is significant at Nordhouse Dunes Wilderness Area. Participants will be engaged to leave with a deeper understanding of how we, as stewards, are responsible in preserving this character for future generations to enjoy. The program will conclude with Leave No Trace and USFS staff available for a short question and answer session after the discussion.


Volunteer Stewardship Project, 9:00 am-12:00 (or 12:30 pm if joining post-project picnic), Nurnberg Trailhead

Join the Cadillac/Manistee Ranger District’s Recreation and Botany Technicians and Leave no Trace at Nordhouse Dunes Wilderness area as we complete restoration projects along the shoreline of Lake Michigan. Depending on the group size volunteers, we will have the opportunity to clear invasive species along the dunes and clean up the beach of litter and disassemble illegal beach fires. Advance sign up is encouraged.

Meet at Nurnberg Trailhead. Volunteers may be split into groups and hike approximately 3 miles (round trip) to and from the work sites.

Important information:
– Must be able to walk/hike on uneven terrain. Work may entail bending, kneeling, crouching, light lifting.
– Bring water, snacks, a hat, sunscreen, and dress for the weather.
– Bring a sack lunch for an optional beach picnic to enjoy the views and learn more about the dunes
– Anyone under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
– Long pants and closed-toed shoes are required.
– Tools & supplies provided, but please bring work gloves if you have them.

Questions? Contact Mary Peek, 231-410-8345, [email protected]



