स्तर 1 प्रशिक्षक पाठ्यक्रम
लीव नो ट्रेस लेवल 1 इंस्ट्रक्टर कोर्स
Dates: October 9 – 10
Location: Leave No Trace office – 1000 North St. Boulder, CO 80304
The two-day Leave No Trace Level 1 Instructor Course emphasizes skills and techniques essential to both teaching and practicing Leave No Trace. The course will begin Wednesday at 1:00 pm following the end of the Global Summit until 5:00 pm. On Thursday, the course will go from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm and includes lunch.
Core components of the Level 1 Instructor Course include:
- Overview of Leave No Trace principles, practices and ethics, including both the hows and whys behind Leave No Trace practices that protect the outdoors while minimizing our impacts to the land, soil, vegetation, water, wildlife, cultural resources and other people.
- Hands-on skill demonstrations, teaching skills and techniques and one teaching session led by each participant.
- The role and function of the Leave No Trace organization and a Leave No Trace Level 1 Instructor.
This course will include approximately 4 hours of asynchronous learning and instruction (self-directed learning online) in advance and 12 hours of in-person instruction in both indoor and outdoor settings, with most instruction taking place outside. Participants will be sent additional information in advance, including asynchronous assignments, teaching topic assignments, a gear list, and required forms.
Upon completion of the course, each participant will become a certified Leave No Trace Level 1 Instructor.
Cost: $100 for Global Summit attendees and $150 for non-attendees. If you are not attending the Global Summit, please email [email protected] to register.
Registration: Registration closes September 22
Contact: [email protected]
संबंधित घटनाएँ
आइए हम एक साथ अपनी प्राकृतिक दुनिया की रक्षा करें और आनंद लें।
अपने इनबॉक्स में लीव नो ट्रेस ईन्यूज में नवीनतम प्राप्त करें ताकि आप सूचित और शामिल रह सकें।