دورات مدرب المستوى 1

Leave No Trace Level 1 Instructor Course – Taught in the Philippines

Course Dates: June 29 – 30

This course is designed for outdoor educators and leaders, other outdoor professionals, plus any individual interested in learning more about minimum impact skills and ethics, and how they can be taught to others. Covered in this course is an in-depth discussion of the Leave No Trace Seven Principles, as well as techniques and methods on how to teach and disseminate low-impact practices. Conducted mainly in the outdoors over two consecutive days, it features interactive learning methodologies, allowing participants to play an active role in the discussion.

This course will be taught in Benguet, Philippines.

Registration, requirements and additional information

Contact: Lito De Veterbo, litodeveterbo at y*a*h*o*o.com 

أحداث ذات صلة

دعونا نحمي عالمنا الطبيعي ونستمتع به معا

احصل على أحدث الأخبار الإلكترونية في "لا تترك أي أثر" في صندوق الوارد الخاص بك حتى تتمكن من البقاء على اطلاع ومشاركة.